The restaurant of le Sully in Meyrueis

In their restaurant (capacity 50 people) and in summer on the terrace at the Bethuzon riverside, you will discover the good taste of regional specialities  :

  • Saucisses d'herbes
  • Aligot
  • Foie gras Maison
  • Tripoux
  • Tarte des Cévennes
  • Magret aux morilles

We accept these french dinner checks :

    chèque restaurant accepté        

Additional services :

  • Private parking
  • Restaurant with outside terrace
  • Swimmingpool
  • Private garden
  • Motorcycle and bicycle garage.


28, place de Sully
48150 Meyrueis
00 33 (0)4 66 45 68 38

At the foot of the Mont Aigoual - Nearby the Gorges de la Jonte, Gorges du Tarn and Cevennes National Park